Old school Dicks Location


Dicks was founded in spokane in 1954. It has been locally owned since them. A big question everyone has about Dicks Hamburgers in Spokane is what their mascot is. Well it actually heralds back to Dick’s founding when it was originally called Panda.

Dick's Seattle

The Dicks in Seattle was founded the same year as Spokane Dicks. But our Dicks was originally named Panda. The comparison basically ends there Dicks Spokane is not affiliated with Dicks Seattle

The Whammy

If you ever come to Dicks don’t bother with anything other then a Whammy. It is what Dicks is known for and it is the best darn cheeseburger in town. Originally prices at $2.00 the Whammy has become the defining burger of Spokane